Dear Sean,
You stated the court size is 16' square... Are you sure? I am not an American and use the International Metric System - but when I converted it into my system the size is ridiculuously small. Not sure your math skills (we hear a lot about very low American education level here) - but 16' square is 4'x4' (about 1.2m each side!!!) and then divided further into four squares... means each square is 2'x2'... - can an American guy fit into this square at all??? Don't think so. Can you please look into it again, amend it and preferrably show International Metric System sizes. Thanks and regards from Sweden. - Luke, 6/17/2009
Dividing our 16-foot court (4.87 meters) into quarters yields four 8-foot squares (2.43 meters). Our fat, uneducated American people fit in their squares just fine.