Dear Sean,
Our PTA is hosting a 4 square tournament next month and I am looking for some advise on the best way to do this. The ages and skill level will vary from 2nd to 5th graders. -Barb, 9/19/07 11:37 AM
Thanks for your questions, Barb. Glad to know there is more activity out there for kids and four square. Where are you located?
Take a look at the wikipedia entry for information on ages and difficulty. It has some interesting info:
If that doesn't help, I just ran a neat afternoon tourney for kids and did it this way. Kids all got three pieces of tape, stuck it right on their shirts. When they got out, I stood at the end of the line and confiscated one piece of tape from ever kid that got back in line. Last kid with tape was the winner. Maybe something like this would help you out.
Let me know how do you it, I'm very curious how you handle it.