Since 2005, Bridgton, ME, has hosted the World Four Square Championships. Now in 2025 you can join the roster and take a shot at the world championship title. Join the melee on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 5:00PM at Bridgton's Town Hall, 26 N High Street, Bridgton, ME. Sponsored by the Town of Bridgton Recreation Department.

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Entrance to the Champs is open to the public so expect people of all shapes, sizes and stature in attendance. Competitors will battle for the greatest four square title in the world. Entrants will be divided into three divisions. The Official Rules of Four Square are the standard rules for this tournament and there will be no custom rules allowed. It would be a good idea to book your lodging early and plan to take advantage of all that Bridgton has to offer.

The day will look like this:

  • 4:30 - Walk-on Registrations, Meet and Greet
  • 5:00 - Rules Review and Open Play
  • 5:30 - Scoring Round #1 - open to all players
  • 6:00 - Scoring Round #2 - top 25% eligible
  • 6:30 - Break with Refreshments
  • 6:45 - Kids’ Championship - top 8
  • 7:00 - Womens’ Championship - top 6
  • 7:20 - Mens’ Championship - top 6
  • 7:45 - Trophy and Awards Ceremony

There are many activities in and around Bridgton on the Sunday for any competitors staying the night in town.

Rules for the World Championships

Players are expected to read the Official Rules of Four Square and use the following exceptions that are specific to this location and style of tournament.


Be the last player remaining after all others are eliminated.


Adults (Men/Women): Server must have one foot within 6 inches of square 4’s back-corner; may serve with one or two hands.
Children (Boys/Girls): Same rule, but within 1 foot of square 4’s back-corner.


Only the player whose square the ball bounces in can hit it.
If another player touches the ball and the correct player attempts to hit it, the interfering player is “out.”
If the correct player does not attempt to hit the ball and another player touches it, the correct player is “out.”
Adults: Any player can hit the ball before it lands after the initial hit (except for serves), as long as no interference occurs.
Children: The ball must bounce in a square before being hit.
Players cannot physically impede others from playing.


If the ball bounces in a square and hits a wall, play continues. If it hits a chair, person, or other object, play restarts if the player had a fair chance to hit it; otherwise, they are “out.”


Men (15+), Women (15+), Children (under 14: boys & girls).
Divisions may mix in Round 1 but are separated afterward.

Round 1 (30 min per group):

Women & Children: 10% of each category (most "outs") eliminated.
Men: 10% eliminated.
Round 2 (30 min per group):

Girls, Boys, Women, Men separated by division: 20% eliminated from each group.
Championship Round:

Untimed “12 out” tournament with officials.
Players eliminated after 12 outs.
When three remain, square 2 is vacant.
Final two compete in squares 3 & 4 until one reaches 12 outs, crowning the Champion.

None of the following rules are allowed and would result in an “out” in the Championships:
Blackjack, Spinzies, Short-stopping/Double-taps, Body language, etc.

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Check out one competitor's Instagram:

View this profile on Instagram 4 Square World Championship (@4squareworldchampionship) • Instagram photos and videos