Dear Sean and Peter,
On behalf of our family and the entire Cape Elizabeth contingent, we just wanted to thank you for a great experience on Saturday night. You put on a terrific event but even better was the goodwill and sportsmanship shown by all. Everything was well run, friendly and pretty funny too!
Matthew and his friend Matthew (aka "Yellowshirt") commented in particular on our ride home just "how nice everyone from Squarefour was." Our Matthew, who has been, well how shall I say it, obsessed with 4 Square since the 1st Grade announced that he will go to college in Boston so he can join SquareFour. (Can you commit to being an active club in 2016??)
Finally, we are moving into a new house we've been building in two months, and it has an indoor regulation FourSquare court in the basement (I am not making this up), so expect the two Matthews to be even more formidable next year.
With genuine thanks for allowing us to join you for this event Saturday, - Dan and Ilene
Dan and Ilene, this is all really great news. I'm really glad that the Matts enjoyed themselves that much and I'm especially pleased that you had such a great experience with our league. Our players are all involved because four square is competitive but also because it is fun and social, too. Certainly maintaining a comfortable and supportive atmosphere goes a long way in building healthy relationships with one another and the people we meet. So, I'm very glad about this.
As for your secret underground training facility and Matt's intention to jockey for a school in Boston, I can only say "wow". Your little guy has got mad chops and his motivation should have all the men on our league very concerned about their scores. When he is ready, send him.