If you enjoyed the miniature new rules workshop on Tea Party, Bus Stop, Mailbox and Shark Attack, then you'll definitely enjoy reading the server rules article on Wikipedia. We put together a neat and concise Wikipedia entry for four square last year and it has since exploded with new contributed content. It has even branched into separate articles on basic game play and customized rules. For the real four square enthusiasts, you'll enjoy looking over these articles on your lunch breaks!

Wikipedia basic game entry:

Wikipedia custom rules page:

Email me. I'd like to interview you about the custom-rules/"minigames" as we had them too, but apparently many places didnt. I am doing some amateur anthropological work on the phenomenon and would like to ask more of what you remember, where your school was, etc..

I work at an elementary school. The kids at recess have recently started to play four square! I was trying to remember some of the fun variations we used to play! When I tried to check the wiki page, it did not come up! I was wondering if you could email me the list of your variations! Thanks!