This poster got us loads of attention, mostly because our ladies world champion appeared to be so intimidating.
Photos from the June 22, 2006, joint fundraiser for CSBA's ArtsCentral and Squarefour. Over 100 people attended to play four square, eat food provided by Toscannini's, Gandhi Restaurant and the Asgard Irish Pub, and to listen to live music provided by DJ Flack, and experience displays and demonstrations by local artists and groups.
DJ Flack (Tony Flackett) provided music for us all night.
Leader Bank came to 'collect'.
These guys worked and played in their white lab coats.
The Cambridge Department of Public Works arrived on the scene.
CW TaeKwonDo of Boston represents.
The Squarefour people teach our new players how to do it.
HMFH's team, "The Four Squares", also played a fierce game.
Cambridge Community Television represents with their staff and interns, as usual, looking especially good.
It was kept well under wraps, but the Rodney's Bookstore team contained two high ranking Squarefour members, one of which is the 2006 lad