It's that time of year, again. Labor Day has put the final deathnail in summer's coffin and you're trying to figure out what you will do to keep sane until the sun come back out in May. Lots of people feel this way so you aren't alone, and we can suggest just the thing to keep you moving this winter.
Four square season is about to begin.
Squarefour has just published dates and rates for the 2010 winter season. This year we have expanded into a larger space, extended the season by two full game dates, and have already set the schedule for the 2010 Four Square World Championships.
We're expecting this to be a big year for four square as we take another short step closer to our ten year anniversary. That's right, I said it. Squarefour, your friendly neighborhood four square organization, opened its doors in 2003 and has served up a hot seven years of four square in the Boston area. Our community is filled with great players with excellent attitudes and a healthy mix of competition and camaraderie. We're sure that you will enjoy your season with us.